Building Her.

Building Her.

Just saw a picture my friend took of me from last summer for the first time. 

She took it on a disposable and I completely forgot about it.

It was a warm August night, a couple days before it was time for me to head off to Spain for the fall. We wanted to update each other on our awful situationships from the spring over some ice cream and talk about how we would pen pal instead of text/facetime while I was gone. 

Seeing the picture of myself now and thinking about the girl I was 9 months ago is crazy to say the least. 

It makes me sad to know that I let such insignificant people and events affect me the way that they did. It makes me feel thankful for those experiences too, because they made me the woman I am today. It makes me proud of all that I’ve accomplished in less than a year.

To put it into perspective, here’s what’s happened in the past 9 months:

  • Left my family for the first time and lived on a different continent for two months

  • Quit my internship while there because I was being overworked and unappreciated (slay.)

  • Found a new amazing internship

  • Made lifelong friends from all over

  • Formed romantic connections

  • Traveled to a new country every weekend

  • Came back to the States (booooo throwing tomatoes!)

  • Found a “big girl job” automatically (aka my cult era.)

  • Led a revolt with a coworker and now great friend, (shoutout Jane), after we found out it was a pyramid scheme

(The whole office quit! I’ll dedicate a whole article to this soon, it’s insane.)

  • Felt discouraged and defeated. New type of trust issues unlocked. Hate for corporate America skyrocketed

  • Got a serving job to make quick money

  • Saw a TikTok that told me to ask myself what “the dream” was 

  • Started this blog 

All in 9 months. 

Honestly, It feels like it’s been two years since that picture was taken.

And queue the epiphany.

It’s more than okay that I don’t have a “big girl job” a year and a half after I’ve graduated.

It’s okay that things don’t always go my way or the way they “should” according to society, because they’re meant to go another way.

A better way. For future me. Future Her. 

Do you think that I would’ve grown and learned as much as I did if the last 9 months looked any different? I had some very high highs and tremendously low lows, but look at me now. Look at Her.

No matter where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re around, you’re always building Her. Every conversation, every realization, every action, goes toward building the future you. It all happens really fast too! So be intentional in all that you speak, say, and do.

Now it’s your turn.

I want you to take the time to reflect on how far you’ve come. 

It’s okay. Actually take a moment.

Do you know how proud younger you is right now? How amazed they are of how far you’ve come and all that you’ve learned and done? They’re literally looking at you with sparkles in their eyes.

You’re everything they’ve dreamed to be and more.

Current you is annoying as hell though, I’m not gonna lie. Worried about how you should be ahead. Have a better job, more money, your own place, maybe married, kids on the way, etc.

Stand up baby. Stand up and take a step back.

You are EXACTLY where you need to be. 

Far more wiser and stronger than you give yourself credit for, my love.


it doesn’t stop there. Life is about continuous learning and betterment. Letting go of our egos and only becoming more joy, love, and light, for ourselves and the people around us. Not letting the lows or inconveniences affect us too much, but instead taking them as lessons and blessings that will lead us closer and closer to Her.

The person younger you would look up to. The person younger you would want advice from. The person younger you would think is an absolute fucking rock star. 





Surrounded by an abundance of love, laughter, positivity, success, and opportunities.

Every day you’re building Her. 

Get out of bed every morning with that in mind.

Remind yourself of that when you’re going through a tough time. 

No matter where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re around, you’re always building Her. Him. Them. 

Pro tip: Have a picture of younger you taped to your mirror to say hi to every morning and remind you of who you’re doing it for.


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