I Love Being a Girl

A feeling like no other.


However that may look like for you, is the most beautiful thing I think. 

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

We’re all unique and express ourselves in different ways. The ways in which we embrace our femininity may not look like everyone else's, which is what makes it so great.

There are four main archetypes embodying the feminine essence: The Maiden, The Wild Woman, The Nurturer/Mother, and The Wise Woman.

Some of us may only possess one, and some may embody all depending on the situation, environment, or current state of emotions. Some even say it’s dependent on different seasons and phases of the moon, which are linked to our menstrual cycles. This would make sense since when I’m going through my menstrual  phase, I tend to be more emotional and let the cuteness of a baby make me cry and have baby fever (The Nurturer.) Whereas when I’m in my follicular phase, I feel creative, energized, and like the world is mine for the taking (The Wild Woman.)

It’s honestly really fascinating.

Here’s an article that dives a little deeper into the archetypes if you’re interested: https://primalfusionhealth.com/consciousness/mind-spirit/feminine-archetypes/#:~:text=All%20women%20have%20different%20modes,Nurturer%2C%20and%20The%20Wise%20Woman.

So now back to why I love being a girl.

As many other things are, I believe femininity is a spectrum.

But, no matter where we fall on it, and which aspects we choose to embrace, I think we can all agree that the main traits surrounding it include: sensitivity, supportiveness, affection, warmth, helpfulness, devotion, and understanding.

These are what make me love being a girl. Especially when it comes to embodying and practicing these with yourself and your loved ones.

Being The Wise Woman for your friend who won’t see that loser for what he is and offering advice, while still being supportive, understanding, and warm.

Being The Maiden for yourself, and showing yourself self love and patience, while also owning your sexual essence without shame.

Being The Wild Woman and embracing your intuition and creativity, while also being independent and knowing and drawing boundaries. 

Being The Nurturer and using love and care to energize your relationships, health, and career, while being strong and protective. 

Selfishly, my top two at this abundant age of 23 have to be The Maiden and The Wild Woman. They’re all about me. My relationship with myself, my creativity and intuition, my goals and dreams, and my standards and boundaries. This is the time for these archetypes to be in full bloom. While you’re still young and discovering who you are and who you want to be. 
Don’t get me wrong, I love assuming the role of “therapist” and motivational speaker friend. I also love learning lessons and gaining life experience myself. I’m lucky to be quite wise this young and love being a support system for my friends and family but, unfortunately, The Wise Woman has to be in third overall just because the other two are more self focused. And as for The Nurturer, she’s sleeping right now so shhhhhhhhhh.

We’re all so complex and limitless.

I love how a lot of us can find the beauty in every little thing and romanticize the hell out of even the most mundane moments and experiences. I think it comes from wanting to stay in tune with our inner child. To stay optimistic and treat your life like it’s a movie or a book.

That’s why I really liked watching Barbie. It highlighted the reality of our lives as women, but also showed the actual, often unseen and unexpected power in being a woman and our relationships with ourselves and each other as a whole.

Girl power. Literally.

And it’s all backed and fueled by those traits I mentioned before.

Obviously the powerful emotion of anger is at the forefront after centuries of oppression, but the traits of expressiveness, supportiveness, unity, kindness, and helpfulness for each other are all there and I think should always remain. No matter the hurt and betrayal this cruel world often likes to chuck at us in the forms of unfaithful loser men, inconsiderate ungrateful bosses, and just plain old nasty strangers.

What’s also nice to note is how most of us still eventually end up coming back to ourselves after these negative experiences. We don’t hold on to hate for that long, we don’t stay in “city girl” mode for that long, and we don’t let pessimism win. Some of us don’t like to admit it out of fear, but we still hold a lot of hope and love despite it all, whereas many men don’t.

This isn’t a women are better than men piece. Even though I’m obviously team women because we’re so funny, smart, cool, sexy, and stylish. If anything, I feel bad for what patriarchy did to men too. Fuckers are told to not cry and be strong and courageous straight out the womb.

That’s when I realize there shouldn’t be a polarity. If you’re into astrology, we all have different energy ruling over us. For example, I’m a Sagittarius Sun, Gemini Moon, and Sagittarius Rising with a masculine polarity. According to the skies the morning I was born, the traits I received were 80% masculine and 20% feminine. Which would make a lot of sense considering the top three adjectives I would use to describe myself are independent, courageous, and sensitive.

So yes, I love being a girl.

But, I think I like being me the most.

The idea of being a set list of things is nice when you try to romanticize them and act like you embody them all 24/7, but the reality is you can’t. Because we’re all different. In every way, shape, and form.

We’re are all human too, and deserve to possess and express any and all traits no matter which side they fall on, as long as we’re doing so in used in good ways.

And with that being said, if you haven’t watched Barbie, please do. It’s in my top five, and had a lot to do with the creation of this article.

Here are some quotes I really liked from the movie:

It is literally impossible to be a woman. -Barbie

I’m a man without power. Does that make me a woman? -Aaron

To be honest, when I found out the patriarchy wasn’t about horses I lost interest. -Ken

You saved Barbieland from the patriarchy. -Ruth quotes from Barbie Movie

Maybe its time to discover who Ken is. -Barbie quotes from Barbie Movie

Maybe It’s Barbie. And It’s Ken.

And I have to include Gloria’s monologue because it made me cry:

You are so beautiful and so smart and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough.

We have to always be extraordinary but somehow we’re always doing it wrong.

We have to be thin but not too thin, and we can never say we want to be thin you have to say you want to be healthy. But also you have to be thin.

You have to have money but you can’t ask for money. Because that’s crass.

You have to be a boss but you can’t be mean.

You have to lead but you can’t squash other people’s ideas.

You’re supposed to love being a mother but you don’t talk about your kids all the damn.

You have to be a career woman, but also look out for other people.

You have to answer for men’s bad behavior which is insane but if you point that out you’re accused of complaining.

Because you’re supposed to stay pretty for men but not so pretty you tempt them too much or you threaten other women. Because you’re supposed to be part of the sisterhood but always stand out.

And always be grateful but never forget that the system is rigged so find a way to acknowledge that but also always be grateful.

You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line. It’s too hard, it’s too contradictory, and nobody gives you a medal and says thank you.

And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong but also everything is your fault.

I’m just so tired of watching myself and every single woman tie herself into knots so that people like us.

If all of that is also true of a doll just representing a woman, then I don’t even know.


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